A Blade of Air and Darkness by Lacey Carter Andersen EPUB & PDF

A Blade of Air and Darkness by Lacey Carter Andersen EPUB & PDF

A Blade of Air and Darkness by Lacey Carter Andersen EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Lacey Carter Andersen
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Epic Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I was finished with my latest frustrating-as-hell mission protecting
farmers headed to Palamin. But even though I was exhausted, sweaty, and a
complete mess, I was in a good mood, because finishing a mission usually
meant I would have time to spend in the Capitol, which meant time to hang
out with my son, Dimitri.

And nothing was more important to me in this world than my son.
Just the thought of him made my chest ache. Sometimes out on the open
road, walking with the dirt under my feet, and the quiet trees on both sides
of me, all I could think about was my son and the decisions that led to the
mess I was in now. And I hated letting my mind go down that road because
I didn’t like to think about the past. Not when there was nothing I could do
to change it. No way to have my son back under my care and my
enslavement over.

Maybe enslavement was the wrong word, but it felt right.
A tingle moved through me. One that whispered of sinister emotions.
Emotions that weren’t coming from me. Which was oh so great. Being a
member of one of the Stormdust clans meant I was an empath, someone
who could pick up the emotions of others. My gifts helped in times like
these, warning me that there were people nearby who meant me harm, but
most other times, it was a curse.
Who wanted to constantly pick up on other people’s emotions? Not me,
that was for sure.

Not surprisingly, a man stepped onto the road in front of me, and then
two more men slipped out of the trees on either side. The man in front had
hair that was slicked back and one tooth missing, which I spotted when he
smiled at me. “Your bag, ma’am,” he said, pointing at my backpack, in a
tone like he was asking, which we both knew wasn’t true.
I smiled right back, keeping all of them in sight. “Notice the stone on
my forehead,” I said, pointing.

“You sure you want to do this?”
Most people outside the major cities thought gems on the foreheads of
servants were symbols of status, which often scared troublemakers like
these away. They might be willing to rob a farmer, but someone who could
get the Wardens or worse, a Judge, sent after them? Not so much. The last
thing anyone wanted was to anger our law enforcement, the Wardens, and
end up executed or exiled. Or for someone to call on the Judges, not that the
five most powerful people would be called on for something as meaningless
as a robbery. Still, people on the Outside might not know that.

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