A Bargain With the Shadow Prince (A SHADOW’S BARGAIN #1) by Genevieve Jack EPUB & PDF

A Bargain With the Shadow Prince (A SHADOW’S BARGAIN #1) by Genevieve Jack EPUB & PDF

A Bargain With the Shadow Prince (A SHADOW’S BARGAIN #1) by Genevieve Jack EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Genevieve Jack
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.1 MB
  • Price: Free

My attorney’s nail polish is the same color as her hair, a shiny black
called Soulless made by Skull and Thistle, a beauty brand that caters to
a woman’s inner goth. I know this because Maeve Gowdie, Esq. is also my
best friend, and I saw the bottle of polish the night I was curled in the fetal
position on her floor. At the time, I’d thought things couldn’t get any worse
than having to move in with my grandmother to escape my abusive

I was wrong.
“Can you repeat that?” I heard her well enough but don’t want to believe
what she’s saying.

“Tony wants the house, Eloise. Your house. Harcourt Manor.”
My eyelashes flutter like dying butterflies against my cheeks, and a tiny
muscle below my right eye starts to twitch. Has all the air left the room?
My necklace is suffocating me. With trembling fingers, I slide the drop
pearl back and forth along its chain, making room between it and my throat.
“That can’t be right. That house belongs to my grams.”

“Not legally, it doesn’t.” From her leather chair behind an enormous
walnut desk, Maeve retrieves some paperwork, the skeleton mermaid tattoo
on her arm swimming with her movement. She turns a page toward me.

“When your parents were killed, you were named beneficiary of the
property, but you were under eighteen, so your grandmother took ownership
as your legal guardian. The title reverted to you on your eighteenth birthday,
even though your grams continued living there and you did not. Ordinarily,
under Virginia law, inherited property isn’t considered marital property, but
Tony made substantial renovations.”

“But— but he insisted!” I protest. “A freak sinkhole threatened the
foundation. Our neighbor’s house was condemned because of it. I didn’t
even ask Tony for help— I wasn’t even living with Grams at the time to
understand the extent of it. He just had it fixed. The workers had to bring in
heavy machinery to make it safe again.”

“Well, that heavy machinery was expensive, and because Tony
substantially contributed to the property’s value, he can now claim it as
marital property. The bastard wants it, El. And one of his lawyers told me
he’s willing to go the distance. This is going to court unless you can buy out
his share of the property.”

“Which is?”
“Five hundred thousand.”
A strangled squeak escapes my throat. It’s like I’ve reached the end of a
rollercoaster, rattled and nauseated, only to find the lap bar is stuck, and the
attendant says I’ll have to ride again. I grip the armrests of my chair until
my knuckles turn white and send a pleading glance across the desk to
Maeve. “How is that possible?”
“Property values have increased considerably since your greatgrandparents settled in Echo Mills, especially on the river.”

I clear my throat. “I don’t have that kind of money.”
From behind the thick rim of her glasses, Maeve’s dark gaze flicks to
the corner of her office. Her voice is soft as she says, “I know.”
She understands better than anyone. I’m broke. Tony is loaded, and we’d

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