He Loves Me Knot by Annabelle McCormack EPUB & PDF

He Loves Me Knot (WANDERLUST #2) by Annabelle McCormack EPUB & PDF

He Loves Me Knot (WANDERLUST #2) by Annabelle McCormack EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Annabelle McCormack
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.2 MB
  • Price: Free

Two Years Ago
Lydia Winnick startled to a stop on the sidewalk, nearly slamming into
the back of the swearing man in front of her.
Oh crap. Poor guy.
He had one foot in a puddle, and water clearly seeped into his sock and
dress shoe.

A few feet away, a woman leaving the Notting Hill Bookshop gave the
man a sharp, disapproving look.
The man probably hadn’t meant to scandalize the exiting woman.
Actually, he’d only stepped into the puddle to allow her to pass.
Which worked out for me. Liddy was just inches from the puddle, and
she hadn’t noticed it either.

But as the offended woman continued her scowl, the man laughed.
“Shite weather we’re having, am I right?” He pushed past her into the
bookshop and let the door swing shut behind him.
Liddy snickered to herself, then ducked her chin as the lady’s withering
look transferred to her. If only she could come up with something as clever.
Instead, she hurried into the bookstore, happy to get away from the irritated

She shook out her rain jacket by the door, wishing she’d brought an
umbrella. When she’d packed her apartment in Nashville to move to
London, she’d accidentally shipped her umbrella instead of packing it in her
suitcase. Four days after arriving, her mistake was glaring.
And that carry-on full of books isn’t doing me much good in this

On the other hand, books were nice to have in her empty apartment.
Books had always been one of her comforts, no matter where she went
or what life threw at her. When she’d been in grade school, there had been
few problems she couldn’t solve—or avoid—by turning to a book.
This was why, when the CEO of Camden Enterprises, Aiden Camden,
had told her they’d be holding her “welcome” dinner in Notting Hill, she’d
left extra early to visit the bookstore she’d heard about in the movies.
Whether it was a tourist trap.
The smell of books was comforting—a perfume that reminded her of

Heading for the nonfiction section, she heard her stomach growl as she
passed the cookbooks, the glossy photos of delicious food a reminder that
she hadn’t eaten all day. She’d spent most of the day filling out forms
online for her new job. After she’d gotten her master’s degree in the spring,
she’d applied for a job at Camden Enterprises without telling her sister Elle
or her future brother-in-law, Quinn. Quinn’s family company specialized in
defense contracting, and it was a perfect fit.
And more importantly, the company was in London, where she could
get a fresh start.

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