Are You My Halley Hart by Claire McCauley EPUB & PDF

Are You My Halley Hart (FEEL-GOOD ROMANTIC COMEDIES) by Claire McCauley EPUB & PDF

Are You My Halley Hart (FEEL-GOOD ROMANTIC COMEDIES) by Claire McCauley EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Claire McCauley
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.5 MB
  • Price: Free

Saturday, 21 September
10.15 a.m. — Henry
Henry glanced into the window of the coffee shop, then paused. Every table
was full, there was a queue at the counter, and he was in a hurry. Facing the
day’s task without caffeine felt especially unappealing, when standing in the

The rain began falling harder and faster. Internally, Henry swore.
‘Oh shit,’ a woman said, with feeling, from behind. The sensation that
she’d given voice to his thought was so strong that Henry glanced over his
shoulder, catching sight of a tail of bright, streaming hair, flying out behind
the woman as she shot into the café.

Taking refuge indoors was the only sensible response to sheeting rain
so, ignoring his qualms about lateness, Henry pushed through the door, its
bell jangling.

Surveying the inside, he pulled back his hood and ran a hand through
his hair, wavering again. This place made far better drinks than the chains,
but wasn’t renowned for speed. And the queue stretched the entire length of
the counter with five customers ahead of him — six, including the woman
from outside, who now joined the end of the line.

With a wince of sympathy at how wet her hair and thin jacket were, he
took his position in the queue. He’d give it a few minutes. The woman in
front of him appeared to shiver and as she repositioned her shoulder bag
and lifted her ponytail from her neck, droplets of water scattered and flew.

He shifted backwards — but not nearly fast enough to avoid a fine misting
of water across his face. He reached for the napkins on the counter. The
movement seemed to alert the woman to his presence, and she spun around.

His first impression was that she appeared to be in her mid-twenties,
not far from his own age of twenty-eight. His second, that in response to his
damp face her own became dismayed. He tightened his fist around the
napkin to conceal it.

‘I didn’t notice you there,’ she said, reaching back to catch her ponytail
between both hands. She had an American accent, and a throaty tone. ‘I’m
so sorry.’ Her skin had a slightly pinched look, presumably from the sudden
deluge, and several flecks of mascara had migrated to her cheekbones. It
didn’t detract from the impact of her eyes, which were large and grey within
their round orbits.

‘Not at all,’ Henry murmured, finding himself suddenly much less
despondent about the wait. He added, with a smile, ‘My fault entirely for
standing too close.’

That won him direct eye contact, and a mirroring smile with a flash of
dimples. He opened his mouth to speak again as the door jangled. A couple
entered, moaning about the rain, and the young woman rotated away.

Absurdly, Henry felt bereft at losing her attention. He couldn’t stop
watching as she nimbly twisted her hair, forming it into a crescent which
she held against her head with one hand.

She rooted inside her jeans pocket
with the other, eventually drawing out a yellow pencil, which she thrust
horizontally through the crescent. Somehow, pencil and hair remained
perfectly in place.

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