Blood Confirmed (WRITTEN BY FATE #2) by Viola Grace EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Viola Grace
- Language: English
- Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
Neffa walked through the palace, close to the wall. She kept her head
down and focused on what she was carrying. The thudding of hard
heels warned her, and she stopped and pressed herself to the wall
before she would be run over. The son of the house strode past on his
way to the king’s quarters.
Damn it. She hoped that he was quick. His father didn’t need to be
getting upset right now.
When he passed, she checked the hall and remained in place as
the king’s mistress flounced past. She liked to move silently and
catch the servants unaware. Her temper was legendary, as was her
bitch status.
Neffa waited until the woman in the elaborate robes had slithered
around the corner and began her calm steps to the king’s recovery
Six weeks. She had been six weeks away from being a doctor with
offers to travel the stars. Six weeks before her classes ended, her
scholarship from the palace had been cancelled, and the university
had kicked her out on her ass, sending her home. She was a
registered Keedon. There was no way for her to pay her fees without
help from the palace, and the palace had cancelled her funding. No
businesses would hire one of her kind, so she had to make her way
home. That had been a whole other issue.
Neffa nodded to the guards that she passed and the other servants
that went by in the hallways. The thing about an indentured
population was that labour was cheap and trapped.
The Keedon were a species who had the bad taste to be travelling
in the vicinity over thirty years ago, and when the Orumel destroyed
their engines, they made this world their home and were put to work.
Neffa was a halfbreed. Part Orumel, part Keedon, but her alien
blood made her ineligible for any position other than manual labour.
Her mother’s position as an herbalist in the township had given
Neffa a leg up, but her job opportunities ended at the palace as an
attendant to the recovery chamber.
She walked to the king’s chamber and opened the door. The prince
and mistress looked at her with scowls, but the king gave her a wide
smile. “Neffa. I was wondering what was keeping you.”
“Traffic in the halls, Your Majesty. Are you ready for your
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