Addiction (SAVAGE AFFECTION #3) by Felicity Brandon EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Felicity Brandon
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 6.2 MB
- Price: Free
Ella Bennett
“Don’t look so worried.” Tucker threw her a wink as he shoved his
limited possessions into a large backpack. “I told you I’d deal with your
father, and I will.”
Ella didn’t know how much time had passed since he’d smashed
the phone Alexander had given them into a hundred tiny pieces. Scanning
the floor, she could still make out traces of its once shiny casing, but it
offered no clarity on how many minutes had ticked along since its
demise. Time, it seemed, had become a metric completely out of her
control since her captivity had begun, and she’d grown no better at
deciphering it as the days had bled into nights.
“Okay, sir.”
She heaved in a breath from the bed, aware of how the sensitive
nub at her sex tingled at the deferential label. She still didn’t understand
why her body responded to his authority with such arousal. Before
Tucker, she’d only wanted to kick out at those who tried to control her.
Like a spoiled banshee.
She smiled as her grandmother’s voice echoed in her head. She’d
called Ella her ‘spoiled little banshee’, and sitting on Tucker’s bed, the
pet name seemed apt.
She’d fought him as best she could when they’d first met—trying
to make him stop—but in return, he’d hurt her, too. That angst and
conflict had been difficult to deal with, but it was nothing compared to
the feelings that simmered for him—feelings she shouldn’t be
experiencing. Whenever he exerted his power, and sometimes, even after
her anger had faded, she was always turned on. Her desire for him
amplified whenever he ‘took control.’
That was why she’d stayed after he bedded her last night, and it
was why, despite his obvious distracted fury from speaking to her father,
she still hadn’t slipped away.
She didn’t fully comprehend her emotions, but she secretly
accepted that she wanted to stay, wanted to spend more time with him,
and decide if the frantic energy in her belly was a yearning for more than
only his dick.
“So, where do we go, sir?” She glanced his way as his gaze rose to
meet hers. “What happens now?”
Tucker had started to plan straight away, his attention turning to
finding and filling his backpack as soon as he’d cleared most of the
broken phone from the floor. But in the frenzied bustle of reacting to
Alexander, he hadn’t discussed anything with her.
He seemed to be assuming she’d be going with him—wherever
that was. She inhaled at the confusing thought. She did want him, but that
didn’t mean she’d consented to being hauled around the forest to the next
grim cabin he owned. Tucker’s bleak and primitive residence was starting
to grate. Ella deserved better.
“I haven’t had time to decide yet.” His expression faltered for a
second, as though he, too, had only just realized this. “But I’ll take care
of you, little girl.”
“You could just let me go?” She shrugged, nibbling her lower lip
as she waited for his verdict.
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