Beneath a Shattered Sky (THE FIFTH NICNEVIN #4) by Marie Mistry EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Marie Mistry
- Language: English
- Genre: Fantasy
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 8.2 MB
- Price: Free
“You came,” Rose whispers.
Her violet eyes study me with the pain-filled wariness of a
wounded kitten as my heart pounds in my chest, reacting to the fear
and hurt that the Call is still projecting my way. Every cell in my body is
screaming at me to protect her.
She’s a mess. Huddled in the hollow made by the roots of a salt-bitten
tree, her skin is shredded, burned, and are those black veins on her arms?
Shit, they are. She has iron poisoning on top of everything else.
She didn’t ask me a question, but she’s still waiting for me to say
something. Before Rose, I would’ve blurted a sarcastic retort without
hesitation, protecting my pride like a good son of Balor.
But because it is Rose, every single answer that might’ve spared my
pride seems like an insult.
I’ve done enough damage to this female.
“You called.”
It’s the painful, broken truth. I’ll always come when she needs me, even
when she’d rather I didn’t. I’m shackled to her by more than oaths and
I wish she’d say something. Why is she here, alone on the outskirts of a
forest, with none of her Guard? Is this a peace offering—a reason for me to
feel hopeful—or am I her last resort?
Her eyes slip out of focus, her face slackens, and her eyes roll back in
her head. All of my questions turn to ash in my mouth as she slumps
forward, unconscious.
“Fuck.” I cover the distance between us in three strides.
Pulling her from her hiding place and into my lap, I grab blindly for the
pouch at my waist and dig through the contents. Rations, tinderbox…
Come on. Where is the fucking thing?
I shove aside that damned sleeping draught I never used in Pavellen and
slouch in relief as I spot what I’m looking for. The tiny tin glints up at me
from the very bottom of my pouch. I snuck it from Prae’s rooms when we
were in Fellgotha, just in case Rose managed to come into contact with iron
again. It’s been in there for a while. Will it even still work?
Taking a breath—and praying to the Ancestors that I’m not about to
poison her with old medicine—I slather the stinky green mess on her wrists.
These wounds can only mean she was restrained with iron.
In a fae city.
What the fuck happened? Bram and the redcap said they were handling
things. They swore they had reinforcements.
I stare at the black veins, willing them to disappear. Is it working?
“Caedmon-fucking-Fomorii,” Prae pants, shoving her way through the
undergrowth with her sword at the ready. “What in the name of the
Ancestors’ wrinkled ballsacks—Shit!”
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