Up In Flames (WRAITH LORDS #5) by Amy Sumida EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Amy Sumida
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 3.5 MB
- Price: Free
I hated Aranren the Corrupter.
He had caused all of this with his war against the Emperor. No one
would fight for him willingly, so he used Death Magic to corrupt humans—
the only people on Varr without magic and therefore susceptible to magical
corruption—and turn them into his mindless soldiers. The Emperor fought
back by creating a special brand of warriors—the Wraith Lords. Chosen and
blessed by the Goddess, we Wraith Lords have a piece of her magic. Spirit
Magic. It’s the only thing that can free people from corruption. My people.
But ever since I entered the war—the only human Wraith Lord, a
man born with access to all the magical elements and Spirit—the Corrupter
was getting more creative. He was now raising the dead, making minions
that couldn’t be freed from corruption since they had no souls in them to
corrupt. They were also damn hard to put down. You can’t kill something
that’s already dead. That is, until the Emperor and his mages developed a
counterspell. But no sooner than we started freeing the dead, the Corrupter
was on to new inventions.
Aranren used Death Magic to create manacles that could suppress a
person’s magic, including Spirit. He also invented poisonous barbs
enhanced with Death Magic. We now had a spent barb and a pair of
manacles because the barb had been used on Taroc and the manacles had
been used on me.
I thought Taroc had died when he’d been struck by the
Corrupter’s barb, but immortals can’t be killed with poison and Wraith
Lords can’t be hurt by Death Magic. Well, I shouldn’t say that. We could
probably be hurt with certain forms of Death Magic, but the spell the
Corrupter put in his poisoned barb didn’t kill Taroc. Actually, the Goddess
did that. While his body was healing from the poison, she took his soul into
her realm so they could have a little chat.
As much as I hated Aranren, that’s how much I loved the Goddess.
Not only had she looked after Taroc and me, but she had also
brought Lord Jathalion back from the dead after Aranren had killed him.
Oh, yes, there’s more. The Corrupter had moved on from digging up corpses
to killing humans just so he could raise them from the dead. Fresher bodies
meant faster, stronger minions. When that worked well for him, he decided
to try it out on a Wraith Lord. Jathalion.
But the Goddess smacked his ass back in line.
Jath—yes, I was back to calling him Jath now that he had returned
from the dead with an improved attitude—and I escaped the Corrupter
thanks to the Goddess’s intervention. He pretended to be under Aranren’s
control until he could free me.
Believing Jath to be his new minion, the
Corrupter sent him out on a mission to capture my lovers. He even gave
Jath a charm to get through his ward. And yes, we’d already tried to use that
charm to sneak back into the Corrupter’s fortress and kill him.
Unfortunately, he either changed his ward or deactivated Jath’s charm
because it didn’t work. At least Jath and I escaped and Taroc was alive.
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