Possessed By the Bounty Hunter (HUNTER’S GUILD: ELITE BOUNTY SERVICES) by Engrid Eaves EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Engrid Eaves
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
It’s either my lucky day or the beginning of a shit show…
I don my white Stetson, slipping around to the trunk of my 1970 Dodge
Challenger Black Ghost. A cursory glance confirms I’m ready—badge on
my belt, handcuffs, a Taser. I feel my Glock holstered on my shoulder. No
backup means no margin for error. After putting on my Kevlar vest and
slamming the trunk closed, it’s go-time.
The skip and his girlfriend stand in front of a dilapidated turquoise-andwhite double-wide in a trailer park on the outskirts of Ophir City,
California, about thirty minutes from my home in Hollister. Gold County
encompasses both towns and Rough & Ready Country, the greater historical
The fine late February afternoon glows with sunshine and welcome
warmth. A little snow clings to the ground, but the ice has melted.
Despite residing here for nearly a year, this destitute trailer park is a
new sight for me. It crawls with sketchy individuals—tweakers, drug
dealers, prostitutes, and dirty-faced kids who should be in school. But I’ve
got tunnel vision…
All I care about is Daniel Lewis Holmes. Two hundred-fifty pounds
with buzzed brown hair, dog-shit-colored eyes, and a dumbass cobra tattoo
running from his left shoulder down past his elbow.
He skipped out on bail for two counts of first-degree burglary, illegal
possession of a firearm, and armed battery. All told, there’s a ten-thousanddollar bounty on the line. I approach all six feet five inches of him from
behind as he bends to get into his girlfriend’s rundown white Honda Civic.
Catching him off-balance means a clean grab. At least, that’s the plan.
He’s got a good two inches and at least fifty pounds on me. Slapping a
handcuff over his right wrist, I pull his arm tightly behind his back for
leverage. “Fugitive Recovery Agent! Daniel—”
The moment the metal hits Holmes’s wrist, he thrashes like a catfish on
a noodler’s hand. Leaning forward into the car, he struggles to gain
leverage, kicking frantically in every direction his black combat boots will
His girlfriend backs out of the driver’s seat and into the driveway, her
face white as frost. Her pink-dyed hair flips back and forth as her head
bobbles between us. Some Bonnie and Clyde this pair is.
“Holmes, don’t make this any harder than—”
“Get off me! Get off me!” The man screams, inch-worming into the car.
My stomach sinks, realizing he’s going for the driver’s seat. Big boy wants
to do this the hard way…
Using a restraining hold, I dig into the pressure points in his shoulder
joint and neck.
Fighting, kicking, and screaming, he gains purchase in the car, reaching
the horn. Its blare shatters the uneasy silence of the tense neighborhood.
Just what I don’t want: unnecessary attention.
Flailing and panicking, Holmes gets lucky, throwing me off-balance and
landing a boot in my face. I stumble backward, dazed. The situation is
clearly snowballing, so I light him up with my Taser.
Family members pile out of the broken-down trailer, watching Holmes’s
telltale twitches and muscle spasms. The train of people looks like the
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