Under the Boardwalk by Jaycee Wolfe EPUB & PDF

Under the Boardwalk (BOARDWALK BOYS #3) by Jaycee Wolfe EPUB & PDF

Under the Boardwalk (BOARDWALK BOYS #3) by Jaycee Wolfe EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jaycee Wolfe
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Alright, honey, we’ll be back later tonight. The circle group doesn’t end
until nine-thirty, so your dad and I will be alone after that,” my mom calls
out from the counter of the thrift store they own. The meeting they go to
every week is the same one, same time, same people, every single week
since before I can remember, so I’m not sure why she always reminds me,
but I just smile and wave goodbye. At least I’ll have the store to myself.

It’s my day off from the diner, but Mom and Dad always need help. My
brother is supposed to work full-time but only shows up when he wants
money from the cash register. My parents have never been strict with either
of us; they are peace-loving people who believe life is an adventure, one
you should get to control fully. That’s great and all once you learn how to be
a respectable person within society. If you’re just given free rein to do
whatever you want, you end up like my brother—a grown, spoiled brat.

To me, he’s just a bully and always has been. For as long as I can
remember, he’s made my life miserable for no reason, but he’s smart and
only does it when we’re alone. I used to try to tell my parents, but all they
would say was to show love against adversity. Then Jackson made my life a
million times worse for tattling. From a young age, I learned to keep my
mouth shut, blend into the background, and become as small as possible.
Anything else only causes you pain.

I look at the store and realize I’m the only one here, alone and nearing
closing time. No one should be coming in. I look at the back section of the
store and make my way back that way. The small section in the back is
almost private, surrounded by racks of dresses, scarves, and flowy fabric
draping from the ceiling. There’s also a full-length mirror wrapped with
more scarves and vines falling from it. The total effect creates a peaceful
hidden gem in the chaos that is the rest of my parent’s store.

Searching through the used dresses on the rack, I swear I swipe across
every decade from current styles back to the fifties dresses, smiling at the
memories these probably hold. I stop when I reach a red swing dress with a
shorter-than-average skirt, sweetheart neckline, and the perfect amount of
white piping around the edges of the halter-style straps to give it the most
adorably retro look possible. It’s absolutely stunning and definitely
something I would never in a million years even think about wearing.

Pulling it from the rack, I step in front of the mirror and place it against my
chest. I look at myself in the mirror. There is no way I could ever pull
something eye-catching and memorable like this off, but I think I would at
least look pretty. Maybe even pretty enough for Riley to finally notice me. I
could fix my hair and apply some light makeup. I smile at myself, but it
quickly falls from my face when I hear the voice behind me.

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