Targeted By the Bounty Hunter (HUNTER’S GUILD: ELITE BOUNTY SERVICES) by Jamie K. Schmidt EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Jamie K. Schmidt
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
The tires screeched as Remy Gallagher whipped the steering
wheel hard to the left, careening around the corner in hot pursuit of the bail
jumper’s black sedan. Horns blared and pedestrians scattered as Remy
roared through the city streets, the front bumper of his Mustang mere inches
from clipping the rear fender ahead.
Remy gripped the wheel tighter, his knuckles white and forearms
flexing. His blue eyes laser-focused straight ahead, not daring to blink.
Nothing else existed in this moment but that stolen car, and the bail jumper
inside he had to catch.
“C’mon, c’mon,” Remy growled through gritted teeth as he downshifted,
the Mustang’s engine roaring. At the next intersection, the bail jumper tried
to shake him, cutting a sharp right. But Remy was already there, muscles
coiled and reflexes primed. He cranked the wheel and hammered the
Rubber burned against asphalt as the Mustang fishtailed slightly before
Remy corrected, never losing speed. His hands worked the wheel and stick
in perfect rhythm, guiding the car with an almost preternatural skill. Damn,
he was good. And he knew it.
“Not gonna shake me that easy,” Remy smirked to himself. This dirtbag
had led him on one helluva chase so far, but playtime was over. Time to end
this and get home to a cold beer and Maximus, his German Shepherd who
would be waiting on their celebratory steak dinner.
The black car ducked down a narrow side street. Remy yanked the
emergency brake, sliding the back end around as he whipped the Mustang
into the alley in hot pursuit, tires smoking and engine thundering off the
close brick walls. The alley spat them out onto a main thoroughfare. Remy
scanned the street signs, gears turning. He knew this part of town like the
back of his hand, every short cut and side street.
“Let’s dance, scumbag,” Remy hissed, yanking the wheel to the left. The
Mustang careened down a narrow cross street as horns blared. He threaded
the car through the congested traffic, never losing sight of his quarry.
The bail jumper’s car skidded around the next corner, brake lights
flashing as he came to a street fair. He abandoned the car in the middle of
the street and took off running, weaving through the crowd of startled
Remy slammed on the brakes, his Mustang screeching to a halt, inches
from the stolen car. Without hesitation, Remy leaped out of his car. “I love
it when they play hard to get,” he muttered, his lips curling into a smirk as
he took off in pursuit.
His muscular legs propelled him forward, his eyes locked on the fleeing
bail jumper. The street fair was a chaotic maze of stalls and vendors, but
Remy’s agility and quick reflexes allowed him to navigate the obstacles
with ease.
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