An Engagement Pact (GREEN VALLEY #4) by Noelle Adams EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Noelle Adams
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
EVERY WEEKDAY MORNING at six thirty, I take Oscar on a three-mile
He’s a five-year-old silver lab, and he’s never outgrown his puppy
enthusiasm for every single life experience. He loves me and loves his
walk, and his wealthy owner tips generously.
But it rained last night, and Oscar’s adoration of mud puddles can’t be
contained. It takes constant diligence to keep him on the paved path around
the park as we do our five laps and then cross the street into Green Valley’s
small downtown area to return to Oscar’s owner’s big fancy loft apartment.
I get briefly distracted by a near accident in the intersection a block
away and fail to notice that Oscar has encountered a most cherished friend
(a warm, breathing body within his view). He leaps into action to give the
newcomer the only appropriate greeting in such circumstances—squirming
ecstatically with lolling tongue as he does two spins and then jumps up to
plant his muddy front paws as close to the man’s shoulders as he can reach
so the two of them can hug it out.
It’s my fault. Oscar is semitrained and will respond to commands but
only if I actually speak them.
“Oscar, no! Down! Down!”
The dog recognizes the urgency in my tone and immediately returns his
front paws to the pavement and hunkers down with barely restrained
wiggles, peering up at me hopefully to make sure he’s still beloved despite
his brief misstep.
I give him a little nod to confirm we’re still on speaking terms and then
turn with a cringe to see how much damage the dog did to the man in front
of us.
I recognize him immediately. Lean, straight build. Thick brown hair.
Genuinely striking eyes of an unusual silvery-gray color. Clean-cut,
attractive features. Well-tailored trousers and a good quality blue buttondown that now has mud streaked on the front from Oscar’s paws.
Dan Mills. We’ve spoken a few times, but I don’t know him very well.
The last time we talked, in December last year, he proposed.
“I’m so sorry, Dan.” I’m horrified by the state of his nice clothes. He’s
carrying a leather laptop bag. He’s obviously on his way to work. “Oh my
goodness, what a mess. I’m so sorry! It’s entirely my fault. I should have
caught him before he jumped.”
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