A Spy’s Fateful Bond by TM Goodkey EPUB & PDF

A Spy’s Fateful Bond (THE FAE KING DUOLOGY #1) by TM Goodkey EPUB & PDF

A Spy’s Fateful Bond (THE FAE KING DUOLOGY #1) by TM Goodkey EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: TM Goodkey
  • Language: English
  • Genre: fantasy romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The wind bites against my cheeks, making them raw with every passing
breeze. Tugging my cloak tighter closed, I walk through the village’s
quiet streets. The days are getting warmer as spring approaches—a
welcome relief from the endless snow of winter. Another gust of cold wind
pushes past my gathered cloak and into my face, a harsh reminder that
winter will not release its hold willingly.

‘That feels fitting,’ I think to
myself, trudging on through the street. Mud sticks to my boots and stains
the bottom of my cloak, eliciting a silent groan as I think of the cleaning
that will be required to conceal my efforts tonight. My heart beats faster as I
near my intended location. I never wanted to be a spy. I never wanted to
come back to the Human Kingdom either, but my mission requires a
heartless violation of my wishes.

When my mother abandoned me with my adopted father, I was terrified.
He was terrifying in stature, and my six-year-old self didn’t know what to
do. But my perspective changed over time: he went from terrifying and
intimidating to an affectionate protector—a true father. Gratitude fills me as
I recall that, if my mother hadn’t abandoned me, I wouldn’t have the loving
father and brother I have now. I probably would have lived in poverty with
my mother somewhere in the Human Kingdom, so I am grateful for where I
ended up.

Lights flicker above my head, barely showing the cobblestone path I’m
following. Walking around the village late at night always feels so eerie, but
I suppose I shouldn’t expect any less from this spy work. I recognize the
alleyway on my left, so I quietly turn in and follow the backside of the
shops that line the main street.

The alleyways are usually quieter and don’t
have as much light as the main streets, perfect for trying to keep out of
sight. I’m supposed to meet Garrick in the garden just a block away. All the
residents use the space to plant vegetables, while the children use it to play.

It also happens to be right behind the blacksmith in town, where Garrick
works. I suppose it’s not the worst place to meet for clandestine meetings.
One time, we met at a travelling fair— all was going well until someone
thought Garrick was the next entertainer in the ‘Strong Man’ performance.
He was not happy about that, but at least no one discovered our true

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