When We Meet Again by Hayden Hall EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
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- Authors: Hayden Hall
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 3 MB
- Price: Free
Le Labyrinthe Littéraire, Paris
Summer, 2014
My mother fixed her dark red lipstick and snapped the small round mirror
shut, thrusting it into her purse a moment later. “That’s settled, then.”
My heart leaped. It was all I could do not to grin like a little boy who
was promised he could eat as much ice cream as he wanted. You are
eighteen, Luke, I reminded myself in a voice that did not sound eighteen at
all. It would get there. I had only been eighteen for three days.
“And don’t be late for dinner,” Mother warned me.
“Of course not,” I promised. I had never been late for anything in my
adult life, not that it was a particularly large dataset. Well, I had never been
late for school, at least. Or dinner, for that matter.
“We will have to get extra luggage, I think,” Mother said in a quieter
voice, making a note to herself. “And with Lucy’s shopping, I dread to
Lucy rolled her eyes. “You’re letting Luke search for books he can find
back home.”
It’s not the same, I wanted to say. I had an entire shelf of books from
every city I ever visited. Almost all of them were from independent little
bookstores, and one from a small town in Kansas was a guidebook I picked
at a gas station after our brief trip. I never returned from a trip without a
“It’s his birthday, darling,” Mother explained. “And I never said we
wouldn’t shop, did I?”
Lucy rolled her shoulders in the nondescript way of a sulky sixteenyear-old who got her way but wasn’t ready to give up the fight. It would
have annoyed me at another time, but I was too excited about my gift to let
this get in the way.
I drained the remains of my iced coffee with cream through a wide
black straw, wiped my lips with the back of my hand, and gave in to the
urge to kiss my mother hard, my left arm wrapping around her shoulders
and pulling her in. “Thank you.” The words were too small to match what I
As I stood up, Lucy thrust her tongue at me behind a hand protecting
her from our mother’s lecture. The spark of mischief in her big blue eyes
was a call for a truce, so I winked my acceptance and waved at them both.
As I navigated the busy Parisian sidewalk, dodging cafés, bakeries, and
cocktail bars with chairs set up along the streets, I allowed myself a deep,
victorious breath. As far as birthday gifts went, a no-questions-asked visit to
a bookstore easily climbed to the top spot.
The aromas of coffee and croissants mixed in the air and tickled my
nostrils invitingly, but I resisted. I was not an impulsive person. Even
through the wild years of puberty, I had always been the quiet, calm,
unproblematic one. The last time I got into trouble was in eighth grade
when I was caught letting other students copy my homework.
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