Tempting Southern Days by L.P. Dover EPUB & PDF

Tempting Southern Days (MAGNOLIA GROVE #7) by L.P. Dover EPUB & PDF

Tempting Southern Days (MAGNOLIA GROVE #7) by L.P. Dover EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: L.P. Dover
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.6 MB
  • Price: Free

Another Friday had arrived, and there were only a few clouds in the
sky. On a sweltering July day in Alabama, those clouds were much
needed. Even though I loved the sun, I needed a break from the
constant heat. Fridays were my only days off work, and in the summer, I
looked forward to spending my time reading by the pool.

Sadly, it hadn’t been that enjoyable the past few weeks.
All was quiet for the moment, but with my luck, the second I stepped
out onto my back porch, my peaceful oasis would be nonexistent.
I slid my feet into my flip-flops, grabbed my beachy romance and cell
phone off the nightstand, and headed outside in my teal bikini. The air was
thick with humidity, and I could already feel the sweat drip down my skin
as I made my way to the pool. When I was attending college at UNCChapel Hill in North Carolina, I grew to like the cooler temperatures,
especially in the winter. But I couldn’t wait to come back home to Alabama
after I graduated.

Once at the pool, I kicked off my flip-flops and stepped into the water.
Nobody lived to the right of me since my house was built on a small
peninsula on the lake, but there was a guy who moved into the house on my
left a couple of months ago.

Had I met him yet? Not exactly, but he sure was a pain in my ass.
Standing on my tiptoes, I tried to peer over the fence on the far side of
the yard to see if I could see Declan’s garage door. I’d only learned of his
name through one of my patients who’d asked if I’d met him yet.

Apparently, he was a grumpy recluse who liked to keep to himself. I had no
clue how old he was, where he was from, or what his deal was, but being an
unfriendly jerk wasn’t the way to make your introduction into a small town
like Magnolia Grove.

A relieved sigh escaped my lips when I could see his garage door was
down. Hopefully, that meant he wasn’t at home.
I carefully sat down on my in-pool chaise lounge so none of the water
would splash up and wet my book or my phone which were on the chair
armrest. Once the cold water soothed my heated skin, I opened my novel
and smiled. It was going to be a great day.

I couldn’t begin to describe the level of joy that flowed through my
body. The sound of the birds chirping and the swooshing of the lake water
as it lapped against the shore was music to my ears. It was all so serene and

That was until . . .
A noise off to my left made my blood boil.
“Son of a . . .” I grumbled under my breath.
Grabbing my phone, I searched for Kat’s name in my recently called list
and pressed it so hard I was surprised my screen didn’t crack. Katherine
Graham was my best friend in dental school and was well aware of the
issues I’ve had with my neighbor

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