Curveball (EXTRA INNINGS #2) by AK Landow EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: AK Landow
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 5.1 MB
- Price: Free
“Are you ready for your first day of kindergarten, sweetie?”
I nod my head, trying to hide my fear of starting a new school in
the middle of the year. Will everyone already have friends? Will
there be room for me? What if I have to sit alone at lunch?
Mommy looks me up and down. “Are you sure you don’t want to wear
I glance at my leggings and oversized Team Canada Olympic softball
sweatshirt. It’s about as fancy as I get. “No. I’m good. Where’s my glove?”
I don’t go anywhere without my softball glove.
She smiles as she hands it to me. “I can’t believe how warm the weather
is here in January. We can throw outside after school today if you want.”
She’s right. We’d be under ten feet of snow right now if we still lived in
We eventually make our way into the school. I try not to let my nerves
get the best of me.
My mommy walks next to me with all the confidence in the world.
She’s a beautiful, tall, skinny redhead. Her makeup and hair are always
perfect. She dresses nicely too. Grown-up boys always stop to talk to her.
After my mommy fills out paperwork, we walk toward my new
classroom. I hope the girls are nice. Sometimes girls are mean to me
because of my size or because I don’t like to wear pretty dresses like they
I’m introduced to my new teacher, Mrs. Sandwick, who sends my
mother on her way. Mommy starts her job teaching and coaching at the high
school tomorrow, but today she’s supposed to be unpacking. Having moved
about ten times in my five years in and around Toronto, I know it means
that she’ll leave everything in boxes for months. I’ll end up unpacking
everything because I hate when things are messy.
Mrs. Sandwick takes my hand as she calls the other students to come sit
in a circle. “Class, this is Ripley St. James. She just moved here from
Canada. Do you know where Canada is?”
A boy raises his hand, and Mrs. Sandwick calls on him. “Yes,
“It’s on top, right?”
The class laughs, and Mrs. Stanwick smiles. “Yes, it’s north of the US.
It’s a different country.”
He turns to me and asks, “Do you speak English?”
I nod. “Yes. A little French too, but mostly English.”
Mrs. Stanwick looks around. “Can I have a volunteer to be Ripley’s
buddy for today? To show her how we do things here?”
A pretty blonde girl immediately raises her hand. She’s the only other
girl not in a dress. In fact, she’s in sweatpants and a T-shirt. “I will.”
“Wonderful, Arizona. Thank you. Boys and girls, don’t forget about the
father-daughter and mother-son picnic on Saturday. It’s going to be so much
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