The Devils’ Darling (VERONA FALLS UNIVERSITY #3) by Marissa Farrar EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online
- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: Marissa Farrar
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 3.8 MB
- Price: Free
“Here, pretty kitty, kitty…”
The male voice is distant and muffled, but I can still pick up on its
teasing, taunting tone.
I’m in the dark. I don’t know how many hours have passed since I was
brought here, but I’m still none the wiser about who’s taken me. Could
Paxton have hired some men? It’s not his style, but that doesn’t mean it
isn’t possible.
I’ve been curled up in a ball on the cold, metal floor of the cage these
animals have put me in. A cage! Like I’m a dog. I push myself to sitting.
My throat feels like I’ve swallowed broken glass from having screamed for
so long, though it did no good. The chill has worked its way down to my
bones, and every muscle aches. I’m grateful for my sweatpants but wish I’d
worn something more on top than my tank top. My arms are bare and
covered in goosebumps.
From somewhere above, a lock clicks open.
“Here, pretty kitty,” the male voice taunts again.
I freeze, my breath solid in my lungs. The clink of metal on metal
reaches my ears—the key to the door, perhaps?
A door opens, except it’s set up high in the wall. Light floods into the
room, illuminating a wooden staircase that leads down to the concrete floor
that my new home—this disgusting cage—is set upon. My eyes water at the
sudden intrusion of light, and I turn my head, my hair falling over my face.
It’s still slightly damp from where I’d washed it at the spa, so I know I can’t
have been missing that long.
I’m sure I can still smell chlorine on my skin from my time in the pool
with the guys. I’d showered, but it lingers. I inhale deeply, trying to take
myself back to that happy place. What will they be thinking? From their
point of view, I’ll have just vanished. Will they believe I’ve simply run? It’s
not as though I don’t have a history of doing just that. But things were good
between us, finally. We each have our issues, but it felt like we’d managed
to put them aside so we could be a unit. My heart aches with longing. I pray
they don’t think I’ve abandoned them.
I imagine them thinking I’ve taken too long in the changing rooms, of
coming in and trying to find me. How long would it have taken them to
realize I’m not there? I try to remember what happened to my phone.
Did I
drop it? If so, did whoever has snatched me pick it up? I wonder if my
location can be traced, but then I remember it’s only a burner. I’ve
deliberately made myself untraceable.
I gulp back a sob.
Heavy, slow footsteps land on the stairs. They creak under the man’s
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