Real Thing by Cassie-Ann L. Miller EPUB & PDF

Real Thing (BRIGHTON FAMILY #4) by Cassie-Ann L. Miller EPUB & PDF

Real Thing (BRIGHTON FAMILY #4) by Cassie-Ann L. Miller EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Cassie-Ann L. Miller
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2.2 MB
  • Price: Free

“I’ve waited my entire life to find the person I’d say this to—Inez
Machado, you are the woman I see myself spending forever with.”
Eyes focused on the clipboard clenched in my hand, I keep my
head down.

I try my best to focus on my inventory form. I try to ignore the reality
TV show blasting from the wall-mounted flat-screens positioned all around
the room.

But this sappy love declaration booms through the hi-tech speaker
system of my old-fashioned bar, bouncing off the exposed brick walls.
Taunting my head.

Twisting my guts.
Hacking away at the cool, calm, collected persona I’m struggling to

I’ve changed the damn channel on multiple occasions tonight. I even
tried hiding the remote. But all my big screens somehow keep getting
switched right back to this freaking TV show.

“Wow…I, uh…” a feminine voice responds. Her tone is soft. Quiet.
Vulnerable. “That’s…that’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”
From the feathery quiver of her words and the way her voice cracks as
she speaks, I can tell that she genuinely means it.

And the burning pressure inside my chest only amplifies.
I set down my clipboard on the bartop and rifle around in the first aid kit
beneath the counter. I’m in desperate need of the strongest antacid known to
man. Coming up empty-handed, I rub the center of my chest.
I’d like to convince myself that this feeling is nothing but heartburn. But
the persistent ache inside my ribcage feels a lot like regret.

Against my better judgment, my eyes lift to one of the oversized wallmounted TV screens, craving one fleeting glimpse of Inez’s pretty face. But
all I see is that goofy-ass bachelor dude dropping to one knee with that
goofy-ass grin on his goofy-ass face…and a massive diamond ring in his
My lungs tighten. My stomach gurgles. I know exactly what happens

“Inez, make me the happiest man alive. Tell me—will you be my wife?”
Around me, the crowded bar falls completely silent. Tension throbs in
the room. Everyone is holding their breath. Like they’re seeing this
television scene for the very first time. Like they haven’t been gathering
here to watch this same exact episode—over and over, on repeat—for the
past week.

All of Starlight Falls, Iowa is addicted to this show, and I’m still trying
to figure out how The North Node Tavern became the unofficial movie
theater of my five-thousand-person hometown.

A Chance with Vance is one of those dating reality shows with a ton of
attractive women all vying for the attention of one famous bachelor. Vance
Cavendish is some Hollywood actor with a fake tan, a corny haircut and a
pretentious personality. Everyone loves him.

Me? I think he’s a certified douchebag. And I’m sick of his stupid face.
I hate every second of this show. This episode especially. Because in
this most recent episode, the bachelor has eliminated all the other

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