His Primal Attraction by C.L. Cruz EPUB & PDF

His Primal Attraction (RUGGED PEAKS #3) by C.L. Cruz EPUB & PDF

His Primal Attraction (RUGGED PEAKS #3) by C.L. Cruz EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: C.L. Cruz
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.3 MB
  • Price: Free

The heavy oak door groans in protest as I push into the dimly-lit tavern.
My nose crinkles involuntarily at the scene of stale beer and sweat as I
survey the rowdy scene—a herd of grizzled mountain men crowded around
the bar, their raucous laughter and colorful language echoing off the woodpaneled walls.
I feel impossibly out of place in my sensible hiking attire, like a demure
librarian who accidentally stumbled into a bear’s den. As I approach the bar,
all eyes swivel in my direction, and I resist the urge to squirm under their
leering gazes.

“Afternoon,” I mumble to the burly, bearded bartender wiping down
mugs. “I’m supposed to be meeting my guide here.”
He eyes me up and down skeptically. “Guide for what?”
“The Silverpine research expedition.” I fidget with the strap of my
backpack. “I had it arranged with a local named Hank Rawlins.”
A guffaw erupts from behind me. “Can ya believe this, Vern? Some city
girl thinks she’s gonna go stompin’ ’round our neck ‘o the woods!”
Laughter rumbles like rolling thunder. I feel my cheeks flush as I square
my shoulders, shooting the drunken hecklers a withering glare over my

The bartender shakes his shaggy head. “Sorry, miss. Hank’s laid up with a
broke leg after a bad fall. Don’t rightly know if there’s anyone else crazy
enough to lead your nature walk through Grizzly territory.”
My stomach drops at the realization that my entire research trip—months
of planning, securing funding and permissions—could be derailed before I
even set foot in the mountains. This was my chance, my big break as a
wildlife biologist to really make an impact.

And now it’s all unraveling at my feet.
“Well, I-I need to find someone,” I stammer, desperation creeping into my
tone. I turn to face the rowdy mob, mustering all my courage. “I need an
expert guide to lead me into the Silverpine Reserve and track the mountain
lion population.”

Another riotous burst of laughter shakes the tavern, and I wince.
“Hear that, boys?” A drunken man slams his mug down, amber liquid
sloshing over the sides. “You got a deathwish, darlin’? Ain’t nobody gonna
The heavy oak door slams open with a bang, causing the whole place to
fall eerily silent. A chilly gust of mountain air sweeps in, rustling the
scraggly manes of the patrons. Every eye turns toward the towering, ferallooking figure silhouetted in the doorway.
He stalks inside like a beast emerging from the wilderness, dripping with
an aura of quiet menace.

Despite the chill, he wears only a threadbare
thermal henley. His chiseled, stubble-covered jawline is set in a hard line
like it’s been carved from granite. Tangled, dirty-blond hair hangs shaggily

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