Resisting the Boss by Cora North EPUB & PDF

Resisting the Boss (GOLDEN GATE BILLIONAIRES #5) by Cora North EPUB & PDF

Resisting the Boss (GOLDEN GATE BILLIONAIRES #5) by Cora North EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Cora North
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Watch h yourself around handsome men in masks.
“I wanted to get laid tonight.”
Despite my champagne-loosened tongue, the party noise has
my date cupping a hand around his ear, widening his eyes and giving me
the universal ‘I didn’t catch that’ expression. Thank goodness. I guess.
“I wonder what they paid… for that ice sculpture over there.”
Doug smiles politely before returning to his favorite topic – himself
and his achievements. In the dictionary under self-absorbed white guy, it
says ‘see him.’

Silently, I vow to delete the dating app later and return to daydreaming
about finding a man who might spark something inside of me for once… by
railing me against my front door the instant he sees me in this dress.
You wanted a date for tonight’s event. You’ve got a date.

Getting hired at Golden Gate Security Tech was a huge blessing for
me, my dream job with room to get creative and great money. They go all
out for these charity things but tonight is special, a masquerade ball. If only
my prince for the night was a wee bit more charming.

“Can I steal you away for a moment, Callie?” Tabitha asks, slipping
her arm through mine. We work together and have become close friends.
With dark red hair and lightly tanned skin, she’s rocking a turquoise parrot
mask. “Are you doing okay?” she asks as we leave my date at the open bar.

“Is my misery that obvious?”
“Only to me,” she promises.
“I’m fine beyond sore feet and my hopes of ever finding love via an
app dying.” Tabitha snickers until I add, “Is it meant to be this depressing?”
“It’s worth it when you finally find the one.”

Easy for her to say. Her husband Dean is standing with the other
partners of Golden Gate. All of them are handsome men in their tailored
black-tie wearing simple black masks while sporting million-dollar smiles
and billion-dollar bank accounts.

Dean notices us looking in his direction. He gives me a friendly wave
and his wife a sexy grin. Lucky lady. He was my mentor once upon a time
and I’m happy for Tabitha’s happiness but this ‘the one’ people go on about
sounds like a bedtime story to me.
We head to the ladies’ room together, fixing our feathers instead of
powdering our noses. All the ladies in our friend group decided to wear
bird masks tonight after Remi said she had an old raven’s mask she planned
to wear.

“Want me to help you escape?” Tabitha asks, seeing my troubled
expression when we head back out again.
I know she would but dumping a man during a date? “No, I couldn’t,
not like that. It’s our third date and he rented a tux for this. I was just
hoping he might grow on me.” With some sizzling hot sex. Or, just sex.
“You were hoping his bedroom game would make up for his yawninducing conversation.”
“You read my mind, girl.”

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