Arthur’s Honor by Jen Talty EPUB & PDF


Arthur’s Honor (THE AEGIS NETWORK: JACKSONVILLE DIVISION #3) by Jen Talty EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Jen Talty
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Here’s to getting back alive.” Arthur Knight raised his drink and made
sure to clank every single one of his team’s shot glasses before
tapping it on the table and bringing it to his lips. He jerked his head
back and swallowed the tequila in a single gulp. “How were things at the
station while Rex and I were gone?” When Arthur left the Air Force four
months ago, six other men from his fire protection specialist team joined
him without even asking.

“Quiet,” Hawke said.
“One actual fire call and the rest were your standard non-fire
emergencies but exactly what we called upon for every single day.” Buddy
reached across the table and snagged one of Kent’s onion rings before Kent
moved his plate from Buddy’s grasp. “Working for a local fire station sure
differs from being employed by the Air Force.”

“After that last mission blew up in our faces.” Duncan rubbed his
shoulder. “I’m sure as shit glad to have walked away when we did.” I’m
still not a hundred percent and not sure I ever will be.”
“None of us got our twenty years in, which I personally get shit for,”
Garth, the youngest of the group, said. “But to be fair, some of the shit that
Asher and Griggs have us doing isn’t any easier than what we did in the

“Can’t say being a regular firefighter is either.” Kent arched a brow.
“But I ain’t complaining. Especially since I get to do it with you assholes.”
“Cheers to that.” Arthur sipped his beer. Leaving the Air Force at thirtysix hadn’t been part of Arthur’s life plan. Far from it. He loved serving his
country. It had given him purpose after his life had turned upside down.
First by tragedy.

Then by divorce.
However, when an old buddy approached him and his team with a job
opportunity that would not only give him a similar career path but also the
freedom to settle his soul, he took it. All he had to do was talk his team into
taking the leap with him and moving from Cape Canaveral to Jacksonville.
“Speaking of which, both Rex and I have three days off from the
station.” He waggled his finger. “Some of you idiots are on the schedule
tomorrow at the station.”

“Sometimes this schedule is more grueling than when we were in the
Air Force.” Buddy pounded back his beer. “Except I like Jacksonville
better, and to be fair, the rotation schedule is so much better.”
“Not to mention we’re not deployed for weeks or months, with no clue
as to where we’re going or when we’re coming home.” Garth laughed.

“One of us might actually get married.”
“I already did that once.” Arthur would often like to forget his shortlived marriage. It wasn’t that he didn’t love her, because he did. But his past
always got in the way. “I don’t ever plan on doing it again.”

“Never say never,” Kent, the only father in the group, said. Leaving the
military had been an easy choice for Kent. Being a single dad, he had one
foot out the door when Arthur approached him with the idea. The move had
proved to be a blessing for him and his daughter. He glanced at his watch.

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