Love Notes by Drew Duncan EPUB & PDF

Love Notes (SERENADE #2) by Drew Duncan EPUB & PDF

Love Notes (SERENADE #2) by Drew Duncan EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Drew Duncan
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I stood there on the stage, my arms spread wide before taking a
bow. The sound of the crowd was vibrating through me; whistles, cheers,
thousands chanting my name. This was the only drug I would need from
now on, my only future fix. It was intense and breathtaking, and worth
every second of the hard work I had put in to get here.
When I walked off the stage, I felt as though I was floating on a soft
cloud, the sounds of adulation carrying me weightlessly towards the
backstage crew. There I was met with pats on the back all until I reached the
tour manager Carl.

“Jesus Christ, Lennox, that was off the charts amazing!”
I beamed at his words, feeling a heady mix of pride and humility. I
wasn’t so cocky to believe I couldn’t fall from these lofty heights at any
given moment.

“Come on, fella.” Carl grinned and ushered me in the direction of the
stage door where a car waited to take me back to the hotel. This was what I
lived for—sharing my lyrics with people, having the music inspire emotions
in them. I felt like I was being the truest version of myself I could be, and
that feeling was priceless.

When I finally got back to the hotel my head was still spinning.
The crowd had been amazing; they had been warm, welcoming, and seemed
to love my new songs even more than they ever did when I was in the boy
band. It had been fifteen years since I had last been on tour, and a lot had
changed in that time. I had changed in that time.

Back then I was riding high on the crest of a wave made from boy band
fame and fortune. And I crashed lower than the pits of hell on the other side
of it. I might have only been seventeen and very naïve when I joined the
band, but I was old enough to know I was bisexual. Even as that
inexperienced teenager, I had still had a couple of boyfriends and a

My background had been vetted by the PR team for the record label,
and they had decided since I had a girlfriend when I joined the band, it
would make more sense if I didn’t mention I was bi. Instead, they pushed
the heteronormative version of myself ‘for the fans.’

My immaturity was proven because I agreed; the fame and the band
were more important. Until I discovered very quickly it wasn’t. I was
utterly fucking miserable and took to self-medicating those feeling away.

Initially, it didn’t seem that bad. I was the life and soul of every party –
and I went to a lot of parties. But that made it so much easier to dismiss. It
wasn’t that I was downing as much alcohol as I could in a night and trying
to convince myself I didn’t actually have a problem; I was only drinking to
be social. I was only drinking because it was fun. At least it was only booze
and not something actually dangerous like drugs.

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