The Gargoyle’s Ever After by Amelia Shaw EPUB & PDF

The Gargoyle’s Ever After (THE GARGOYLE SHIFTERS OF NEW YORK #5) by Amelia Shaw EPUB & PDF

The Gargoyle’s Ever After (THE GARGOYLE SHIFTERS OF NEW YORK #5) by Amelia Shaw EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Amelia Shaw
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4.2 MB
  • Price: Free

Waking up with the sunshine streaming into our master bedroom was
wonderful. I was warm and cozy beneath the duvet; and my body ached in
the best ways thanks to the loving I’d gotten from Gabriel through the

And best of all? Well… close to it anyway, there was no alarm forcing
me to get up. I had no work to get to, and no children to get to school. We
were on a forced vacation for the first time in forever, and I was enjoying
every moment I could.

My eyes flew open, and I sat up, staring at the huge windows in fear of
what I might see. My heart pounded in my chest as I stared at Gabriel’s
stone form. There was no reason to panic.

“Oh, thank god.” I put my hand to my chest and took a deep breath,
trying to calm myself. He was here, he was safe. We were all safe.
I threw back the blankets and slid out of bed, needing the bathroom. But
before I went there, I sashayed up to the statue and stood in front of him,
still naked from the night before.

“Good morning,” I said, not completely certain if he could hear me or
not. He’d inferred that they slept in their gargoyle form, but I wasn’t sure
what that meant exactly. “I’m going to have a shower, then check on the
kids, but thank you for last night.”

I covered his hand with my own, although his fingers resembled more
of a claw than anything else in his gargoyle form. “Sleep well my love.”
I wandered into the bathroom for a long, hot shower, forever grateful for
my nanny Sharon. Normally I was a very active Mom, getting up early to
be the first one to greet the kids. I’d make breakfast and we’d chat and go
over their plans before the bus came.

But this morning I needed to gather my thoughts. I had a… I didn’t even
know what to call him. A boyfriend? A husband? A stone statue occupying
the window seat?

Well, whatever I called him, he was now a part of my life. And due to
that, he was now in my kids’ lives. We were inextricably linked, that was
for sure. For better or worse. And there had certainly been a lot of worse
lately. And there may still be more to come.

I got out of the shower and dried myself. Despite the worry I had over
the future, I felt insanely relaxed. Gabriel’s love making was truly
incredible. Every part of my body was sated and replete.

I got dressed into some comfortable leggings and a long sweater and left
our bedroom. I wasn’t sure where everyone was, but I was sure to find out.
The first person I ran into in the hallway was Jenni my sixteen-year-old
daughter, carrying a stack of books. “Oh hey, Mom.”

She looked bright eyed and chipper this morning, which was good to
see. “How’d you sleep sweetheart?”

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