Love Thief by Wren Charles EPUB & PDF


Love Thief (THE GREYSTONE FAMILY: STOLEN HEARTS #2) by Wren Charles EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Wren Charles
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 5.3 MB
  • Price: Free

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I wake wake up with a start, my senses telling me something’s not quite right
here. They’re right, I’m not alone. The sunlight is creeping under the
blinds in the master bedroom of my docklands apartment, the mid-May
morning starting to heat up. A bit like my body, as I smell the man taking up
most of the king size bed. Pepper, leather, summer sun, cornfields, and the
musk of a man. Kellen. I don’t open my eyes. I don’t want to believe it’s
real. If I don’t see him he can’t really exist, can he?

He rubs his foot up and down my leg. “I can tell you’re awake.” His
voice is a bit groggy. “I am real. You can’t pretend I’m not here.”
I know if I open my eyes, he’ll be looking at me, grinning. The bastard.
The unbelievable chain of events plays back through my mind. Me,
Evie Greystone, him, Marcus Henry James Kellen Russell-Lord Stockton,
his best mate Xander Barclay, and our two sons, James and Bucky, all
standing in Kensington Registry Office. My memory mocks me, gasping
out the immortal words ‘I do.’ Becoming in one fell swoop, the newly wed
Countess of Stockton, wife of The Rock Star Royal.

I crack an eye open. “What happened to all my pillows?” The cosy wall
I’d erected between us last night, as he’d insisted we should start as we
mean to go on, is as absent as my sanity.

What was I thinking? Pretending we’re married for the whole world,
and enjoying a full relationship, while in reality we’re merely ensuring our
son James will inherit a title and estate on Marcus’s eventual demise.
Although if he continues to stroke my leg, it may be quicker than either of
them thinks.

I agreed to ‘marry’ Marcus, (or Kellen as I call him)—in a secret
ceremony in the UK—for six months, in an effort to flush out the instigator
of the title issues. And we’re scheduled to head out to Las Vegas in a few
days to do the incredible deed all over again. This time in the full glare of
paps, press, social media, and anyone who cares to look.

James, Bucky, and Xander left us at the restaurant after the ‘ceremony’
to go on to a club, so we headed home. Together.

So awkward. We drank whiskey, and I tried to pass out, but the more I
drank the more sober I seemed to get. He suggested the bed, well insisted,
and I couldn’t be bothered to argue. I built my pillow barrier, put on my PJs,
and spent the most uneventful, PG-rated wedding night with a rock star

Maybe I can bore him into a quicker divorce. I smile at that thought. I
am a boring person, choosing to spend my days in and around old buildings
rather than living the rockstar life, so it might just accomplish that.
“What’s that smile about? I feel a plot coming on,” he mumbles as he
pulls me towards him. “Stop smiling like that, you’ll give me a complex.”

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