Rival CEO by Ainsley St Claire EPUB & PDF

Rival CEO (BILLIONAIRE SECRETS #1) by Ainsley St Claire EPUB & PDF

Rival CEO (BILLIONAIRE SECRETS #1) by Ainsley St Claire EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Ainsley St Claire
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 4 MB
  • Price: Free

The Georgia Tech Hotel and Conference Center buzzes with a
kinetic energy that rivals the very technology we’re showcasing. Our booth
is one among the two hundred that fill the expansive hall in a grid of
dreams. We’re all praying for good grades and maybe even the right eyes on
our project, leading to a sale or the cash to make our plans a reality. Each
project is a testament to sleepless nights and relentless ambition. For some
students, the stakes are their futures, as their diplomas hinge on today’s

I feel pretty good about my grades, but I’m also looking much
farther ahead than graduation. We all are. This project has potential. We just
need someone to see that. I glance around at the anxious faces but then
narrow my focus back to Austin Sands, Rhys Smalls, and Theo Reed—my
roommates, good friends, classmates, and comrades in arms against
outdated tech and environmental ruin. We stand shoulder to shoulder beside
our creation, a battery that promises revolution, not just evolution, for
electric vehicles.

“Looks solid,” I murmur, more to myself than my friends. It’s a
mantra to keep the doubts at bay, a shield against the whispers of what if.
Our battery sits encased in a clear display, its sleek design a testament to the
time it took us to create it. Inside, it has no copper and no lithium, just a
sustainable answer to a world thirsty for clean energy.

“Did you see Turner’s face when we slotted our battery into his
engine?” Theo’s voice cuts through my reverie, his grin audible even
without turning to look at him. While our project is separate from the
engine our friend Turner Bishop has built, we’re displaying together. It just
makes sense, as his contraption is a perfect demonstration for our battery,
and he has to get power from somewhere. Plus, if someone happens to want
to invest in both, we’ll all be in this together.

“Turner’s always cool as a cucumber,” I reply, still scanning the
crowd. His engine is called The Chess Master, and when he isn’t an
engineering student, he’s the lead singer for a local band that just got a
major record deal.

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