Nobody Falls for the Opening Act by Tabatha Kiss EPUB & PDF

Nobody Falls for the Opening Act (BREAK THE RULES #2) by Tabatha Kiss EPUB & PDF

Nobody Falls for the Opening Act (BREAK THE RULES #2) by Tabatha Kiss EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Tabatha Kiss
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“Anyway,” Bronson says. “You get all that?”
I stare at him, feeling far more confused now than when he led
me out of the hotel restaurant. “So… Knox and Harmony aren’t
actually dating?” I ask.
He nods. “Correct.”
“But they were at some point, right?”

“Just not now? Now it’s just a publicity stunt?”
Bronson hums affirmatively.
I sit back on the royal blue couch and glance around the golden lobby,
my eyes temporarily blinded by the morning sun pouring in from the

Man, Los Angeles really is as bright as they say.
Bless my little Midwestern heart.
“Well, I can’t say I expected this,” I mutter. “You guys never seemed
like the publicity stunt type of band.”
“We’re not. Generally,” Bronson says. “But Paul Monroe’s got Knox by
the balls.”

“How so?”
He shrugs. He doesn’t know. Or he’s not telling. Hard to tell with this
Bronson Isaacs, drummer of Criminal Records, is known for being a
bit… monosyllabic.

“Hey, can I ask you something else?” I say, leaning toward him. “Since
I’ve got you talking or whatever.”
He shrugs again. That’s a yes, I think. It’s going to be a minute until I
get used to Bronson’s silent mannerisms.
“What exactly went down between Knox and Harmony?” I ask. “I
wasn’t really paying attention at the time, but I remember rumors.”
“What rumors?” he asks.

“Just that Harmony was… kinda crazy.”
“And Knox was also, like… kinda into it?”
“And it all ended with him getting arrested for stalking her or

He hums affirmatively.
“Okay.” I tilt my head. “What happened next?”
Bronson shrugs.
I nod. “Good talk, Bronson.”
“Look, if someone asks you anything about it, just do what I do.”
“What’s that?”

“Keep your mouth shut,” he says. “Or if you have to say something, say
something positive but true. The tour’s going great! We’re all happy to have
her back! They’re so cute together. You know. Whatever.”
“All right,” I say, nodding along. “I can do that.”
Bronson pats my shoulder before rising off the couch and making his
way toward the elevators.

I sit back, taking the moment to just… soak it all in. Not just the strange
publicity stunt in which I suddenly find myself, but the whole damn thing.
I’m sitting in a luxury hotel in the middle of Los Angeles, for fuck’s

That’s not exactly typical me behavior.
Six months ago, I was nobody. Well, I still am a big nobody, but back
then I was a super nobody.

I was just a student at Chicago North University. I lived in the best
damn frat house in the world: Alpha Delta Xi. Music major, obviously. But
if my stepfather asks, it’s just a minor. He still thinks I’m well on my way to
a double major in Business and Economics — even after I told him about
the radio contest.

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