Bear Alpha’s Untamed Heart by Amelia Wilson EPUB & PDF

Bear Alpha’s Untamed Heart (SHADOWPINES FATED MATES CHRONICLES #7) by Amelia Wilson EPUB & PDF

Bear Alpha’s Untamed Heart (SHADOWPINES FATED MATES CHRONICLES #7) by Amelia Wilson EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Amelia Wilson
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.7 MB
  • Price: Free

“Don’t you even dare!” I yell at the Rogues who are attempting to burst into
my business and do who knows what, “I get that you THINK that you’re
some hot shit and that you’re going to win this, but I can assure you this is
NOT a game that you want to play, and I will KILL you if you even try it.

Get out of here.”
The lead Rogue just smiles a wicked grin as his eyes trail me up and
down, “I don’t know why you’re talking so big when you’re nothing but a
weak little wolf. I suggest that you back down and let us do what we want
before you end up getting yourself into a bit of trouble. Don’t you think?”
I don’t like the way that he says that, and it makes me feel a bit sick to
my stomach, “sure, I don’t know if I can win against all of you but I’m
going to try. I’m not one to just back down from a fight and I’m also not
going to let you intimidate me into doing something that I’m not
comfortable with. So, I suggest you leave me the hell alone and let me get
back to what I want to do. Understand?”

I’m quite tempted to knock the shit out of all of them, feeling a bit
irritated that it had to come down to this. It’s pretty obvious that these
Rogues came here to start something and I’m not going to let it happen. I
built this bar with my two hands and I’m not going to let someone destroy it
for me. When I see how they look at me,

I can only imagine the vile things
going on in their head and I’m not going to let them win. I’m not going to
let them get very far either because this is just not right. I should not be
treated this way when I haven’t done anything to deserve it and there’s no
way that I’m going to just back down with everything going on right now.
“Leave my property and don’t come back!” I command of them, hoping
that I sound more serious than I feel, “I’m not going to tell you twice. I do
have regular customers who would love nothing more than to beat the shit
out of you and I would gladly let them. Back off!”

I don’t like this dangerous game that I’m playing but there’s no way for
me to hold back. I don’t have a reason to and I’m not going to let them
scare me off. I understand what I’m dealing with, and I know it wouldn’t be
easy, but this is not some kind of game. This is not something that I should
just deal with. If they are going to try to barge into my home, fine, but I’m
going to make sure that they regret it.

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