The Hookup Mix-up by Riley Hart EPUB & PDF

The Hookup Mix-up by Riley Hart EPUB & PDF

The Hookup Mix-up by Riley Hart EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Riley Hart
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 6.9 MB
  • Price: Free

College is hard as shit.
I toss a football in the air and catch it, while lying on my bed.
Not for the first time, I wonder why in the hell I ever thought higher
education is a good idea. This summer has been nice, and now I’m only two
days away from the first day of classes at Franklin U, and I’m reminded that
college is a lot of work. Typically, I don’t mind hard work. I’m not lazy. But
school assignments that are easy for most people are more difficult for me.

The idea of jumping back into that rat race feels exhausting. I’m not one
of those naturally smart people, which is really fucking inconvenient
because I don’t hate college and I want to be here—well, okay, let me
rephrase that. I love the social part of college. I love the parties and hanging
out with my boys. I like my girl and all the fun we got up to together last
year, though lately things have been…off between us. Before she left for
the summer, she’d get annoyed with everything I did, and honestly, the
feeling was mutual. Her ragging on me has been a lot, but I’ve been with
her for almost two years. I can’t break up with her. I don’t want to hurt her,
so even though she’s been calling me less and less the past couple of
months, and when we do talk, we always fight, I’m going to find a way to
fix things. I must be doing something wrong. That’s usually the case.

And, like, she’s a ten, and while I’m happy with how I look, I’m
probably a solid six at best. There’s no way I can land another Whitney.
Whit gets back to San Luco today, and I have the whole night planned.
I’m going to pick her up, take her out to dinner, bring her favorite flowers
and all that sweet shit I’m actually pretty fucking good at. I might only be a
six, but I’m also a damn catch when it comes to how I treat a woman.

And then…then I’ll worry about school. I have to do better about
staying on track from the start. It’s my third year, and there’s a lot of
pressure on me to get this business degree. Well, any degree. I chose
business because I didn’t know what else to pick. It’s not particularly
exciting, but I don’t dislike it either. And I’ll be the first Bassett to ever
graduate from college. My parents want that so much for me and have
busted their asses to help make it happen.

Footsteps pound down the hallway before something slams into my
door and it tumbles open. Avery and Casey stumble inside. Neither is local
to SoCal like me, so they’re just getting back for the new year.
“Come in, why don’t you?” I tell my roommates.

There are four of us who live in this house. Our last roommate is Jack.
His dad and stepdad own our house and let the four of us live in it for
cheap. If it wasn’t for the deal they gave us, no way I could afford my part

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