Hello Tease by Kelsie Hoss EPUB & PDF

Hello Tease by Kelsie Hoss EPUB & PDF

Hello Tease by Kelsie Hoss EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Kelsie Hoss
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“I’VE BEEN online dating all of one day, and I already have three dick pics
in my inbox,” I said to my sister, Taylee, who was stifling laughter on the
side of my tablet screen. I adjusted the device in its protective case shaped
like a dinosaur, feeling so opposite from my sister.

Even though all I could see behind her were gauzy curtains and white
textured walls, I easily pictured her view of the Seine from her apartment
balcony. Meanwhile, I was surrounded by boxes in the world’s smallest
two-bedroom house in an equally small Texas town.
Even though she was in her late thirties and I was five years behind her,
I’d always looked up to her, from her string of French suitors to her
beautiful Parisian apartment and her job as a professor at a university there.
I could live vicariously through her.

“It’s all a numbers game,” she said, ever the math professor. “If you
meet enough men, there is sure to be a diamond in there somewhere.”
I gave her a look and held up my phone with one of the offending
pictures. “I’m deleting this app. Dating in my condition isn’t a good idea

“You’re a single mom, Larkin, not dying of syphilis,” she retorted.
I laughed. “I don’t think you can die of syphilis.”
She shrugged. “Maybe Seth can test that theory.”
“You’re bad,” I said with a laugh. “I’m trying to be nice about him, for
the kids’ sake. He’s taking this move pretty hard.”

“He’s a piece of shit who doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt,” my
sister replied. “Leaving you and those precious babies for another woman.”
My lips pressed together, and I tried not to be bitter about the small,
shabby house we were renting in the small town where I’d never planned to
settle down. But I needed support, even more so now as a single mom, and I
didn’t have enough of it in Dallas or make enough money on my own to
hire help there.

For all Seth’s flaws, his parents loved our two children to
death and offered to babysit them for free. “I will admit, it was the most
awkward month of my life, living in the house with him after the divorce
while I waited for this place to open up.”

Tay pointed at her mouth like she was going to be sick. I couldn’t blame
her. The whole situation was not one I would have chosen for myself, but
here I was.

“I gotta go pick up the kids,” I said. “I told the grandparents I’d be there
at five so they could go to their church dinner.”
“I should probably grade these papers,” she replied. “You’ll get through
this and land on your feet, Lark. I know you will.”

I lifted a corner of my lips, thankful for her faith in me but not feeling
quite as confident in myself. “Love you,” I replied, clicking out of the call,
and then taking a couple deep breaths before standing up.

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