- Status: Available for Free Download
- Authors: LOGAN GRAY
- Language: English
- Genre: contemporary romance
- Format: PDF / EPUB
- Size: 2 MB
- Price: Free
kace Lyons storms into the Moose Jaw Bootleggers’ locker room on the
first day of practice after the off-season. Established eight years ago, the
Bootleggers are the newest Canadian NHL team, and after last season’s loss
during the playoffs, the team is more determined than ever to make it to the
Stanley Cup this year. That was the plan. Until Kace decided to kill the
captain of his team. Today.
Rudy Marshall, the captain and former best friend of Kace, sits on the
locker room bench wearing nothing but a pair of black sweatpants. When
his dark eyes look up to Kace, he smirks. Kace knows immediately the
asshole knows Kace knows. And he has no remorse for his actions
The two were college roommates, teammates, and best friends. They,
along with Brett Browning who plays for the Galveston Twisters, were an
unstoppable force both on and off the ice. All three were drafted from
college, but due to a strike, they started in the minor leagues. They managed
to play for the same team from California, but the moment their contracts
were up, they were signed to different teams. Brett to the Twisters and Rudy
and Kace to the Bootleggers.
For the past few months, Rudy’s been smugger than normal after months
of almost outright disdain for Kace. Not even Brett has any idea why Rudy
had a sudden change in personality, but he knows nothing. Kace knows
now, though. At least why he’s been a smug son of a bitch recently.
The man stares up at him, his black hair slicked back. It’s far too long,
and his natural wave comes out that used to drive the girls crazy in college.
The typical hockey haircut. Kace steps closer, and the smirk transforms into
a smug smile. But he stays seated on the bench, even though Kace wishes
he’d stand up to his full six-foot-two height so he can beat the living shit out
of him. Everyone knows Kace isn’t the type of guy to hit a seated opponent,
and Rudy takes full advantage of this fact. He also knows the four-inch
height advantage Kace has all but ensure his defeat, and he may be smug,
but he’s not suicidal.
“What’s wrong, Lyons?” Rudy asks, his voice wavering slightly. Not from
fear but excitement. He’s almost giddy.
“We all know you’re dumber than the blonde who sucked Bruno off last
night, but don’t give me that shit. It’s beneath even you,” Kace growls.
Tommaso Bruno, the team’s goalie, smirks and nods his head. The man’s
notorious for finding puck bunnies to spend his nights with, and his tastes
start and end with blondes. The man has never been seen with a brunette or
redhead. He knows what he likes and sticks to it.
Their coach for the past three years, Terry Allen, storms into the room. He
replaced the original coach, who failed to even get them to the playoffs, and
he now stands in front of them wearing a windbreaker tracksuit. Kace finds
himself temporarily sidetracked with the fact he had no idea these were
even still a thing, let alone back in style.
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