Lores of Ruin by MJ Colgan EPUB & PDF

Lores of Ruin by MJ Colgan EPUB & PDF

Lores of Ruin by MJ Colgan EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: MJ Colgan
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Dragons & Mythical Creatures Fantasy 
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 7.1 MB
  • Price: Free


I reached into my bag, pulling out the almost empty flask for a quick sip of
water, sweat trickling down my spine as I took a moment to catch my
breath. Nix turned to, no doubt, tease me for falling behind again, but
before he got a chance to open his mouth, he stumbled over a damp tree
root concealed by the dewy leaves blanketing the forest floor.
I rolled my eyes and shook my head at his clumsiness. “For someone
who has grown up here, you should know better than to take your eyes off
the track.”

“If you could just keep up then I wouldn’t need to keep looking back to
see where you are,” he taunted back.
“It’s not my fault your legs are so long. I have to damn near run to keep
pace with you. We are making good time anyway. At this rate we will have
hours to spare.”

We’d left before sunrise to collect supplies in preparation for relocating
camp tomorrow. We have lived in our current patch of the Fading Vale for a
while now, and risked being found by the King’s horde if we stayed in one
place for any real length of time.

“It’s been so long since we’ve had a chance to venture out to one of the
villages though, I just want to get there,” he grumbled, running a hand
through his curly shoulder length hair. “Besides, I heard Dorgoil has a

The closest village to our current camp in the Vale was Dorgoil, home of
the gnomes. It was only a six-hour hike, but it was mostly uphill and we
were running on very little sleep as it was. Clearly, I was more affected than
Nix as he was bouncing from foot to foot, waiting for me to get moving

“I get it, I’m excited too. But if you fall over and break something in your
impatience, it will only take us longer waiting for you to heal,” I chastised,
holding out the water to him for a swig before swinging my backpack back
Tightening the straps, I trundled forward, making sure to avoid the mosscovered trees rising out of the earth around us, while Nix walked at my

“Fair point. But you’re hardly one to talk. Your parents told me what
happened when you went to Pinefall, remember. Someone got a bit too
excited to meet the pixies and–”

“Stop,” I whined jokingly. “If I never have to visit that place again, it will
be too soon.” A grin pulled at his lips, but he quickly covered it up by
running a thumb down his bearded jawline. His facial hair was as unkempt
as the waves on his head, but he didn’t like to use the few blades we had on
preening himself, which was understandable. The scruff covering his chin,
upper lip and jaw suited him though, dampening the baby faced look he
sported without it.

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