1017 Alamo Way by Cee Bowerman EPUB & PDF

1017 Alamo Way by Cee Bowerman EPUB & PDF


  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Cee Bowerman
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“She’s a bright spot in what is otherwise a very dark sky, just like you
and your sister.”

“Remington Uriah Forrester! Have you lost the last threads of what little
sanity you had before you became a single father to one of the wildest
children on the planet? I can say that because I have comparative data after
racking up countless hours of babysitting Forrester hellspawn and now I’m
witnessing all of you experience the next generation of joy and psychosis in
equal amounts.”
“Petra, you’re really not helping,” I said without lifting my head from my

“Is it really your job to talk him out of this?” Cadence asked.
“Do you see her sitting there with a ouija board? Did you hear her summon
a demon? No to both. Shut your fucking mouth and let the grown-ups talk,
Cadence,” Trinity Booker snapped, her gaze so piercing that I was surprised
Cadence didn’t combust.

Trinity had a vested interest in whether Cadence lived or died because she’d
been beside her brother Ripley along with the rest of their family and mine
four years ago as we waited for the doctors to examine my son and her
niece after Cadence almost killed them with her neglect.

“I’ve given them both the greatest gift a woman can offer a man, and you . .
“A gift? What the fuck is wrong with you?” Trinity yelled as she pushed up
out her chair and put her knee on the table.
A split second before Trinity launched herself across the conference table
towards Cadence, Roscoe wrapped his arm around her waist and yanked her
back into the chair next to him.

“Let her loose. I’ll represent her,” Petra cheered.
I had to admit that wasn’t very professional behavior from an attorney like
Petra, but then again, the woman had been marching to the beat of her own
drum since we were kids. Luckily, Roscoe had a better rein on his temper
and cooler heads prevailed.

“You can plot her death later. Right now, Ripley and Ruf have some
decisions to make. Cadence is going to be discharged in the morning, so if
they do choose to go along with this plan, we need to have the birth
certificate and all of the paperwork in order before then.”
“Are you going to do this?” Trinity asked Ripley. “Have you even talked to
Tori about what’s going on yet?”
“I haven’t had a chance. Ruf and I called your office before we told anyone
else, and I . . .”

“I’ll do it,” I blurted out loudly. “I’ll sign whatever I need to so she can
come home with me.”

“I knew you’d step up, Ruf,” Cadence said cheerfully.
“I’m not doing this for you, Cadence. I’m doing this for another innocent
baby that somehow sparked the tiniest grain of motherly instinct. Not
enough that you’ve even asked about my son or his little sister, but
sufficient for you to realize that being raised as far away from you as
possible is the best thing you could do for her.”

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